Welcome to GRUUN, your local plant shop where you can indulge in a wide range of plants. Here, you can freely browse and find your ideal plant. Curious? You can already have a look on our webshop.

In addition to an extensive selection of indoor plants, we also offer a variety of outdoor plants. Our stock is constantly evolving, so feel free to visit us and explore our green jungle!

We also have a great selection of pots, watering cans, plant books and lots of other plant accessories for sale. Don’t hesitate to ask for advice, plant care is our passion!

Looking for a gift but can’t choose? There’s always our gift card to the rescue!

Do you want to make a specific room in your house a little bit ‘gruuner’?

We also offer a plant-styling service to help you find the perfect plants for your interior. Whether it's your office, living room or bathroom, your little patio, your balcony or terrace, and even your big garden. Robin has a background in landscape architecture, so he’s always very enthusiastic to design your in- & outdoor spaces!

We accept all kinds of ECO-cheques to pay for your favorite plants!
*currently only possible in our physical store.